- Arrange and create the scheduled Landfills.
- Upgrade recycling.
- Alternative management of electrical and electronic equipment waste.
- Upgrade of informal Industrial Areas in Industrial Parks.
- Speed up urbanization process and install photovoltaic stations.
- Develop a special Spatial Plan for Renewable Energy.
- Develop a special Spatial Plan for Industry.
- Create a positive atmosphere for the development of spin-off, as well as for new high level valued enterprising activities.
- Create favorable conditions for the attraction of researchers and the growth of international collaborations.
- Strengthen networking between companies, research institutions and universities.
- Promote the “Quality – Design – Ecology” program for the traditional sector of Greek economy (i.e. tourism, agricultural products etc.) and create branded products, certification and patents.
- Inform enterprises about financing programs which focus on hiring unemployed people, as well as about educational programs for their personnel.
- Inform people who experience barriers to employment about employment and special educational programs for founding of new enterprises.
- Create bank of information of demand and work offer and interconnect all institutions with it.
- Review and update business to business workforce training programs in new technologies and specializations.
- Intensify retraining programs and lifelong education with priority in the new technologies and specializations of high demand in today’s job market.
- Improve educational system and workforce training and provide motives for the promotion of vocational training and retraining.
- Combat undeclared work.
- Increase the participation of productive class representatives in the decision making process relating to the issue of industrial relations.
- ACCI organizes promotes and maintains a qualitative and efficient human resources educational program for its member companies.
- Submits proposals on various professional training programs and implements the actions required.
- Organizes seminars for company executives training on important issues such as marketing, sales, human resources management, environment etc.
And proposes the following:
- Revision of professional orientation beginning from the second high school class, in order for future students to know their career and professional development prospects such as number of job openings, time required to find a job and after graduation salaries.
- On-the-job training program customized for high-school students, lasting one week every six months, in enterprises.
- Adapt education to the knowledge society. Add e-learning programs in schools and universities and provide free broadband internet access for pupils and students.
- Strengthen private financing for universities, particularly though the development of educational or research programs and provide tax incentives to businesses, so that they can participate in them.
- Collaborate with enterprises to offer employment scholarships, thus creating additional opportunities for on-the-job training.
- Reduce corporate tax rate over the next five-year period, by 1% per annum.
- Release closed professions and abolish integrated salary from various professional teams.
- Liberalize markets and promote rapidly structural changes and denationalization.
- Fight illegal commerce with direct collaboration of responsible government owned services.
- Create the first Electronic One Stop Shop which will initially lead small and medium-to-small enterprises in their dealings with management, by giving answers that will bind all public services.
- Design and develop broadband networks to support advanced communications for all (i.e. residence, workplace and public administration).
- Evaluate institutions that support small to medium-sized enterprises and activate new institutions of high enterprising dangers.
- Motivate enterprises to invest in new technologies and apply certified quality patterns.
- Reduce all necessary time and cost drastically for foundation of Société Anonyme, Limited Liability Companies and Personal Companies.
- Make every responsible service respond rapidly to the reception of investment proposals and impose penalties in case of delay and obstructionism.
- Approve National Spatial Plan and special land-use plans, in order for the investors to know where and under which conditions they can invest.
- ACCI acknowledges the positive performance and stability of Greek economy during the last years, with growth rates that are among the highest in the euro zone.In addition, it recognizes the fact that investments, tourism and exports have increased their contribution in the Greek financial growth rate, which presents an important qualitative change.However, despite the progress that has been achieved, ACCI considers that Greek economy still faces significant structural weaknesses which have to do with:
- The deviation of inflation from the average euro zone standards.
- The high levels of unemployment, especially among the young and the women, despite of the recent decrease.
- The continuous rise of current account deficit, despite the increase of tourism, shipping and export incomes.
- The problems of unfair competition.
- The fact that Greece rates as the country with the 4th highest degree of rigid labor legislation compared to other OECD members.
- Closed professions and governmental regulation of prices – wages that warp competition and place an extra burden on both companies and consumers.
In order to eliminate all these structural weaknesses, ACCI considers necessary the acceleration of reforms, aiming to:
- Create a new type of growth that will depend more on the production of internationally competitive products and services and less on individual consumption.
- The continuation of fiscal adjustment in order to achieve the goal of zero deficits by 2010.
- Create a more efficient state.